As we grow up, we learn so many new, different things, gain knowledge and one day, we may become All That. But its important not to forget the little things that we were taught, because in the end, those are the things that help us.
What did your Nursery teacher tell you when you were little?
"Never forget to use the Magic Words," she said.
No matter how old you are, no matter how accomplished or learned you are, the Magic Words are the words you should never forget to use.
Its a simple concept. The Magic Words don't involve any hocus-pocus; but they are just that...magical.
Magic Word Number One:
A 'please' can do wonders. A request is always much more effective than an order. A request can almost make the other person obliged to do whatever you asked them to.
And I don't think that 'please' doesn't exist in close relationships; if I want to borrow something from a person I know really well, I know that she'll give it to me, never mind that I request her or order her. But a please reminds both of us that she's the owner. That I can keep it for as long as I want and do whatever, but a request is always appreciated. In contrast to saying, "I'm taking this."
I've convinced grouchy government employees with a 'please'.
Appeal from the heart and see if you don't get it.
Magic Word Number Two:
Now this a Magic Word people are fast forgetting to use. A 'thanks' goes a long way. After receiving the change or being let in through the door first, after a stranger hands you something that fell down or after someone holds the elevator for you, a thanks is a must. Everybody likes to feel gratified once in a while, knowing that they did something for which you're grateful to them. A thanks can make someone's day, knowing that they helped a person in whatever small way. And whoever said that thanks isn't needed in friendship, said it wrong, according to me.
Everyone likes to hear a thanks sometime or the other. Everyone.
Magic Word Number Three:
This sorry is the most important Magic Word of them all.
When I was little, I swallowed short stories. And one little story I clearly remember.
Once there was a pine tree and a cane plant planted alongside. They were the best of friends but their personalities were very different. The pine tree was arrogant, proud of its size and strength and refused to bend in front of anyone; whereas the cane plant was humble, ready to accept his defeat if need be. The pine tree often made fun of the cane plant, how it bent easily by the softest breeze. But the cane plant just smiled; he knew that he did nothing wrong.
One day, there was a huge storm that ripped apart everything. Torrential rain and hail, thunderstorm destroyed everything. The pine tree which was too proud to bend in front of anyone was uprooted instantly; but the cane plant, a modest little thing, bent along the direction of the wind and was miraculously, saved. Saved from the storm which uprooted the gigantic pine tree.
Never be so proud that you cannot accept your defeat; never be so proud that you're unable to admit your fault; never be so proud that you can't utter a little sorry.
Gukka says that she cannot say sorry; that she 'has too much ego'.
A sorry can melt the hardest of hearts.
Any day.
11 Reflections:
As we grow old we forget the simple rules of life and get entangled in complications. This post is a nice reminder :)
yep. we forget those stuff as we grow up..taking for granted and obnoxious comes these days more from desperation for the work to get
@Misanthropist: Thanks. :)
@Soin: Totally. I'm glad some people do realize it. :)
"gukka says"
do you realise the fact that she might read it ?
And get offended.
From my personal experience I have seen that a sorry might make a hell lot of difference.
It is the difference between love and hatred ,misunderstanding and understanding ,an arch enemy and a best friend.
This is such a sweet post, Srishti! :)
There's a reason they're called Magic Words, no?
They work their magic on people's hearts..all you need is a lil bit of sincerity and a smile..:)
@Daksha: So? Let her read. Its not like I'm lying...she does say that.
Yeah...a sorry does make a lot of difference, hun?
@TUIB: Eeeee! Thank you! Of course...they work their magic on people's hearts. Better than the magic in Hogwarts. :)
Really nice post. Perfect time for a reminder in my life.
Great going kid!
Thank you! :)
I agree with most of the post. But there is a rider, according to me, that should go with utterance of 'please', i.e., if we truly deserve what we're asking for. There've been too many instances, when people who'd have outrightly rejected my small requests or actually harmed me, come back to me asking for help involving much greater compromise on my part. That'd look most disgusting and shameless to me. But I'd still help them, partly 'cuz their 'please' would sound not like a request, but like whining!
Glad, that you're not a part of "friendship mein no sorry, no thank you"-brigade! Many times both my sorry's and thankyou's are perfunctory. But when we wish to express our deepest regrets and gratitude, those are the only choices left! People should understand that. :|
I agree with most of the post. But there is a rider, according to me, that should go with utterance of 'please', i.e., if we truly deserve what we're asking for. There've been too many instances, when people who'd have outrightly rejected my small requests or actually harmed me, come back to me asking for help involving much greater compromise on my part. That'd look most disgusting and shameless to me. But I'd still help them, partly 'cuz their 'please' would sound not like a request, but like whining!
Glad, that you're not a part of "friendship mein no sorry, no thank you"-brigade! Many times both my sorry's and thankyou's are perfunctory. But when we wish to express our deepest regrets and gratitude, those are the only choices left! People should understand that. :|
I wasn't even knowing gukka is a real person!
Honestly, I feel and advise one should desist from naming real-life persons on a blog, especially, if we're to write something negative. Right now our lives are simple, but they need not always remain that way, what with litigation and all that coming up against bloggers.
On a semi-Stupidosaur note, why does gukka sound so similar to gutkha or still worse, how and an American might pronounce it as gu k*a! :P Sorry can't afford to stick out my tongue with such food-menu around! :|
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